Simon Badertscher

Regional Technical and Sales FE, Corporate Pastry Chef

Originally from Reinach, Switzerland, Chef Simon Badertscher began his professional training at the confectionery and chocolaterie Peitrequin in 1993. After a few years of professional experience, he joined the Swiss Air Force, where he was the head chef responsible for managing production and training kitchen staff.

Simon Badertscher's passion and enthusiasm for fine food led him abroad between 1998 and 2001. He deepened his knowledge and skills by working as Pastry Chef in the kitchens of the five-star Ritz Carlton hotels on Amelia Island, Florida, USA, and Double Bay, Sydney, Australia, and later as Executive Pastry Chef at Hayman Island Resort on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

Upon his return to Switzerland, Simon Badertscher embraced the challenge of entering the world of chocolate making as a department manager at Confiserie Läderach in Ennenda.

Simon Badertscher joined Felchlin in 2004, applying his sense of perfection, passion and creativity in demonstrations and workshops conducted by Felchlin Switzerland around the world. As Corporate Pastry Chef, he was first responsible for the European and Middle Eastern markets, and today he looks after the Asian market.

We are delighted to have such a competent and experienced consultant on board.

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  • Employee of the year at Riz Carlton Amelia Island